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CFM I Rolls Royce I PWC I PT6

Complete finance, leasing and engine management solutions just became easier. SKYEXEC AMG and its technical partner SE TURBINE offer a range of support on CFM, Rolls Royce and PWC engines

Engine Support

Devoted to provide the best engine solution for our customers. We tailor to your specific needs, guarantee our work and are committed to providing cost effective engine solutions for your complete satisfaction.


Specializing in PT6 Series, PWC 100 series and Rolls Royce. We are actively investing and expanding into CFM-56 Engines.


Every aspect of an aircraft engine is analyzed and managed by our dedicated team of professionals as we recognize that every customer has different concerns when it comes to engines.




Engine Leasing

SKYEXEC and its technical partner provides finance and leasing solutions for a range of PWC turboprops, CFM and Rolls Royce turbofan engines. We assist with component support, repair, overhaul, engine performance testing, failure analysis and end of life purchases. 


With our designated facility and extensive operational and maintenance experience, we are committed to providing products and services to the highest possible quality and standards. This is our number one priority.​.


Our current owned and managed Engines:

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